How To Build Solar-Powered CBG Amplifier Using LM386

The Solar-Powered CBG Amplifier. Don’t take it as a serious thing. Consider it as an experiment to check the idea: “You want a portable amp with you but what if the battery goes down?”

Some bizarre weirdness: the thing from the 19th century equipped with modern technologies. That kind of mix.
Well, this is my second take on CBG amplifiers 

Solar-Powered CBG Amp

So, I found a Nicaraguan small cigar box “Flor De Las Antillas”. It was collected during the search for the next cigar box guitar. It’s too small to make the CBG. But it was free and attracted me with its colourful outfit. The last consideration: the box looks quite durable and of high quality.
So I grabbed it without a clear idea of what it may be used for. I had no plans for a Solar-Powered CBG Amplifier in mind


Here’s what the result looks like.

Solar-Powered CBG Amp

Front View.

CBG Amp Back

Back View.

What's Inside?

There is no brainer. I used the same components everyone would use to make a simple  CBG amplifier with only one replacement. Instead of the battery case, I used the solar batteries, which I put on the back.

And the Solar-Powered CBG Amp contains of:

1. Loudspeaker. 

Remember the times when we had to connect the loudspeakers to our desktop sound card? Pre-historical Pre-laptop era. Perfect size for this project. It’s 8 Om 0.5 Watt: enough for the experimenting. And it’s free. Just check in your closet. I’m sure you find at least a pair (left and right). We need only one here. Save another one for the next experinent.

CBG Amp Loudspeaker. Front.
CBG Amp Loudspeaker. Back.

2. 3W Solar Panel. 

I have ordered it on eBay. The Ali Express will work too. Just be sure the size fits the cigar box. In my case, it was 4.5″x3.25″

Solar Panel

3. Potentiometer 250 K

Potentiometer 250 K

I have got mine in the local radio store. But it really doesn’t matter. You can buy it in the local store, or on any online platform. Either Amazon or Alibaba, or any other, you name it. Or maybe you can find it in the same closet. Anywere, they cost as a dust.

4. Input Jack

Input Jack

Same thing as the #3. It’s cheap. It’s easy to find. And it’s unavoidable. I mean, if you are building something like amplifier, you Have to install input jack

5. LM386 Cirsuit As a Central Part of a Solar-Powered CBG Amplifier

LM386 Amplifier Circuit

LM386 Amp Circuit is a central part of the Solar-Powered CBG Amplifier. Not only this device but pretty much every DIY CBG amplifier. 

You can buy it for less than $9 per pair on Amazon

It doesn’t matter which brand it is. What matters, to minimize the work is that this circuit has a volume control onboard.

6. On/Off Switch Tumbler

And the last but not least component in this project is the on/off Switch Tumbler. 

Again, I bought it in a local electric store. You may find it anywhere else. Should I talk again about a mystical closet? 🙂

On/Off Switch Tumbler

Putting Everything Together

Did I already notice that some soldering is required? Yes, you have to do it.

I disconnected the potentiometer from the LM386 Amp Circuit to mount it on the cigar box separately. Just because in my case I had to rotate the potentiometer for 90° to place it properly in Solar-Powered CBG Amplifier

It looks messy but it works:

Solar-powered cbg Amplifier from inside

Solar-Powered CBG Amplifier. Verdict.

The mini amplifier based on the LM386 Amp Circuit can work on solar-powered elements. But with some serious limitations. The 3 Watt element works well only during bright sunny day. If the lightning is not right you may experience some disruptions of thesound. 

Maybe it makes sense to add the battery to make the device dual powered, in some sence a hybrid. If I will have time to make it I will update this post.